On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I had a job doing motion capture for a video game. I had to sign a confidentiality agreement to not leak anything about the game. Thats fine with me because I hardly know anything about it anyway. Its all such a secret. The proccess is far more interesting than any story point in some game anyways. They movment is captured by haveing the acion filmed by dozens of cams all around a central floor area. The performer ( in this case me ) wears tights covered in little reflective balls called markers that are placed at key points in the body. Also a helmit for the makers on my head.
The Cameras see only the balls. At least three cameras have to see each ball for this to work but I do my thing one move at a time and the computer creates a stick figure of my motion that will later be used for a character in a game. the thing is unlike film where it takes a long time to get through anything as soon as you are done they are ready for the next shot. Its constant dynamic movment all day for three days. I was so sore after the first day I thought i wasnt going to be able to perform the next. I was very sore but completed my contract and had alot of fun. I realy want to work on another game again.
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