Saturday, November 26, 2005

The only way to show you all how busy I have been is with a time line. This repeisents the last two weeks from Nov 11, 4pm to Nov. 24, 3am.

Friday the 11 of November
Maja Katie and I go to Whistler to work for Peter and his Cirque company we are to be stage hands as they perfom at a huge party all night long.

They perform a different act every ten minutes. The party had hired 65 models to be naked and painted head to toe. They didnt even have socks on. the detail and art that went into each one was amazing. They were all walking ads for all different types of booze and some bottled water.

Maja and Katie got inspired and of there own free will got tank tops painted on that said the Underground Cirques. They were the topless stage hands. Most stage hands i wouldnt want to see toppless but This was Ok by me. Besides its very difficult to tell whats what through paint. They actualy did look like they were wearing tank tops.

Oh ya and the circus was good too.

We work from 4 pm till 2 am we enjoy the party for an hour then go to Katies cabin to relax and sleep because we must take it all down at 6 am. There is another show at 11 am at another location. I have to leave after teardown because I got called into work on Scary Movie 4 doing fire safety at 12:30. I leave at 9 am for the 2 hour drive back to Van and make it with time to grab a quike bite to eat before work. I work a 12 hour day putting people out that are on fire take after take all day three people burn. All goes well and safe. i leave and return to Whistler to get Maja who has work at noon the next day and needs a ride back because I left her up ther with Katie to do the other Cirque Show. It was snowy as any fake movie so I take my time and get there before three. Then Sleep till 9 am. I drive Maja back and Get some sleep I head back to Squamish wich is on the way to Whistler, and I have been through it 4 times in the past 32 hours. Im working on Pathifinder again on Monday and they got me a hotel this time. I settle in and relax. Katie visits on here way back from the cabin. I get to bed as soon as she leaves. 6 am call time I meet the other in the lobby at 5:30 we go to work at the base of the Cheif and battle all day.

I play my self as an indian this time.

I get back to my hotel and sleep after being wrapped at 10pm. Thats a long day The next day is more of the same Fighting vikings but we dont get weapon and the vikings are all laed by people 6'4" and up so its sort of one sided and we just take a beating. I think Im done after work but JJ the stunt coordinator askes me to come back the next day. Of course sure. Once again I have a hotel but I need to go home to take care of some thins real quick and feed the fish. i get back and In bed by one and the next day we do a scene were the indians are falling in traps in the ground all day. There is no movie magic to this. We just get crash mats instead of spickes and we fall in all day then I get my close up. With is great if your a movie star or even an exrtra but as a stunt performer it means its time to realy sell out because any cheating will be seen. I have to fall on spikes. They are fome and I have a fome one coming out of my leg. i jump off a rock and fall a long way flat on my back between two extras on the fome spikes. They will later make CG spike come through my chest. Many many takes of this and The day is done. The Coordinator askes me back again. This is great I say yes. Duh!!. I get changed and check my messages and Wade the stunt coordinator from X men 3 is asking me to work tomorow friday and saturday. This brings up two problems Im booked on pathfinder again and he called at 2 pm and its 10 pm now. I cant get a hold of him and leave a polite message. I tell the coordinator of Pathfinder and he says if I can find a replacement I can go if they call. I dont expenct to hear back but sure enough they call and I get a replacement. X men is shooting nights so I get to get some real sleep. I arrive there are 4pm for a 4:30 call I was told to have a wet suit so I pick one up. There were 65 stunt performers all with wet suits because tonight we were to get hit by a tittle wave from the sky. The movie magic? Three shipping crates stacked the bottom one just there for hieght. The second is the chute with a ramp to propel the water into the air. and the third to is the resivour with a trap door in the bottom to dump the water. Jonny Knocksville from Jackass once stood infront of a smaller one and just vanished as the water came through. We had to run streight at it. We rehersed and blocked it for a while getting ready to go My confidence was ok untill the stunt coordinator had the lead doubles, who were there playing themselves that day, to areas were the water probably wouldnt get them. He did this because its hard to find good doubles and he didnt want them getting injured. It was also officially saying the rest of us were no more then canon fodder. We did the first take and I only got hit by the current on the groung the big wave only hit a few. I was too far back. The second take they worned us that there was 18% more water. Let me tell you 18 percent is alot. They also waited a moment more before pushing the button. The call rolling The call action and we all run screaming al this towwer of crates. A huge rumble comes first then you see it like a wave cashing against the rocks it look like its just spray and I thought for a moment "Im just going to run right throuhg it". The Wave drops from the sky first on Rick who is just infront of me. Rick is 6'2" 240lbs and as he flies by me upside down I get that feeling, you know the feeling you get when you are about to get in a car wreck. The same way you feel just after someone sneakes up behind you and screams. That feeling. Now I tell you I got hit by a wall of water by I sure did. It first felt like I did a belly flow off a diving bourd. Then up down around I dont know but when your hit be a huge wave the only thing for sure is the ground I deffinatly know when that happened. I know with a thud the the current lifted me and I was under water as it disipated I could feel people all around me and the ground moving quickly. It all stopped and the shots not done we have to get up and pretent get it by lightning. I do the cut and I get up and I realize how far I have travaled. It hit me but the grourd tower and that towner is a long way away. We do 3 more take and call it a night. the next night we didnt do much because there was too much fog. The next day I have a fitting at noon for Scary Movie 4 were Im to work the next morning. I got to that then to X Men 3. That night I get to fight wolverine. YEHA!!! HE kills me a bunch of time and I change and move on to something else we wrap. Its an early wrap dew to fog and that works for me because it gives me a chance to catch some sleep before Scary Movie 4. Scary Movie is fun and simple just falling down from rumbling ground. I hardly need pads. I go home and sleep Im back the next night on X men 3 We work and after wrap a Brian, Peng, Mike and I all go to wait for X box 360s. Mike is so excited he is ranting in a thick british accent about features and games the news is there to witness the event as many people hope to get a few machines. Mike explains to the new that games are his hobby and theres nothing like escaping to a universe were any thing is possible after a hum drum day at work. hum drum what this guy is and international stunt performer who dose amazing things for a living like fight Jet Lee in unleashed and he needs to escape. It makes you think what hope do the rest of us have. Hum Drum!!!. Any way we all got our system but didnt get to play because we had to be back at work in a few hours so off to be once again. At work that night we all tell everyone about it but I only hooked mine up and turned it on to make sure it worked I didnt play. After work however I played and the games are in high def which on my 50 inch high def screen look amazing. I never used anything high def on my tv yet so its realy somthing. I only found time to write this inbeteen games so todles for now thats my crazy week and a half two weeks. From Nov 11 4pm to nov 24 3am. I play games and sleep now nothing more must recoop because i may be bace on X men on monday. We will See.


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